Customer Success Story:
Astley Clarke
Astley Clarke
Location: London, UK
Traffic: 290,000 visits per month
Sector: Jewellery
For luxury jewellery brand, Astley Clarke, acute attention to detail is in everything they do. From their craftsmanship to their celebrity clientele, every element of Astley Clarke’s identity must be consistently high-quality to cement the brand’s reputation and enhance experiences.
Astley Clarke had been with an alternative search and navigation provider for 3 years prior to partnering with Findologic, however the retailer’s requirement to offer superior experiences in line with customer demands and industry standards wasn’t being met. Product development dried up and as a result the experiences Astley Clarke was able to offer their shoppers on-site were not as customer-centric and innovative as there was potential to be.
After extensive research, Astley Clarke chose to partner with Findologic. The primary reasoning behind this selection was Findologic’s clearly technical focus and commitment to continuous development, ensuring that retailers are able to consistently provide experiences comparable with retail giants and that the product never becomes stagnant. This is a stark contrast to their previous provider’s sales focused approach. In addition, Findologic has a comprehensive set of robust functionalities which arm online stores end-end. This meant that Astley Clarke was able to select very specific features relevant to their unique business needs.

The Findologic experience
Within the Findologic ecosystem, a number of features and services and experiences offered by Findologic stood out to Astley Clarke before, during and after go-live.
Firstly, Astley Clake noted that the integration process ran smoothly and came in on-time, with thorough communication between themselves and Findologic’s account managers – queries and action points were always achieved efficiently and effectively.
For the platform itself, management is pain-free. The team is now able to navigate the backend easily, yet offered many options in terms of optimisation and control. For example, if a celebrity wears Astley Clarke’s jewellery, the team are able to elegantly direct customers searching for the specific celebrity’s name towards certain products or promotions.
All the while, robust functionalities have improved the customer experience, while customer support and bang for buck has remained at the forefront, with Scott Thompson, CEO at Astley Clarke stating:
“The team is great to work with and very efficient. They have driven a 10% increase in revenue compared to our previous provider and we are paying 25% less so we are really pleased.”
Astley Clarke have reported a significant uplift in KPIs since partnering with Findologic. The software has provided additional uplift and improved usability both for internal management and for shoppers on the frontend compared to their previous provider, despite costing 25% less. Some call outs from Astley Clarke include:
- Overall, customers using search are 3x more likely to convert
- 10% additional increase in conversion on mobile compared to the previous provider
- Straightforward backend that takes the pain out of on-site management
- Enhanced UX on mobile devices

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