Best statistics for ecommerce onsite search

Best statistics for ecommerce onsite search

Best statistics for ecommerce onsite search

What are the best onsite search statistics?

Onsite search is a powerful feature when brands are creating omnichannel digital experiences that eCommerce companies shouldn’t overlook. When customers can easily find what they want on an eCommerce site, they’ll buy more and have a better customer experience.

For many eCommerce brands, an optimized onsite search option can dramatically impact the online store’s bottom line. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some key statistics brands should know about onsite search.

Improved Customer Experience

Customers want to find the products they’re interested in quickly and easily. AI-driven search capabilities that provide better results to users can make the shopping experience more enjoyable. A frustrating site search experience, however, can push customers to abandon your brand. According to a recent study, around 65% of consumers use searches on a retailer’s site for consideration and purchase. For eCommerce brands, therefore, getting site search right can positively impact the customer experience for the majority of site visitors.

More Data Insights 

Site search can produce an enormous amount of data for marketing and sales teams to leverage later on because customers describe exactly what they’re looking for in a search query. Yet nearly 57% of companies don’t use site search data for their marketing programs. eCommerce brands should use site search data to improve future site search results, fuel their marketing strategies, and deliver a better customer experience. 

Greater Conversions

According to eConsultancy, customers that use a site’s search feature convert on average 1.8 times more than other visitors. Site search users are more likely to place an order because they have a higher purchase intent and likely already know which products they’re interested in buying. Helping visitors search a store’s catalogue, therefore, can dramatically improve the site’s conversion rate. 

Larger Orders 

Research by Groove has found that the average order value (AOV) of buyers that use site search is 25-50% higher than normal. Site search users, therefore, are high-value customers, so it makes sense to reduce the friction of finding and purchasing products. Brands should ensure their onsite search bar is accessible and intuitive to use in order to encourage more frequent and larger orders. 

Increased Revenue 

For some brands, site search users could account for 40-80% of all online revenue, depending on the product category. Companies can optimize their site search further by upselling, cross-selling, or using other techniques to maximize the ROI of these visitors. Focusing on site visitors that generate the most revenue and ensuring they can quickly and easily find the products they want could dramatically improve a company’s bottom line. 

Competitive Advantage  

While there are enormous advantages to site search, 42% of companies have revealed that they don’t have anyone specifically responsible for it. That means putting in the effort to offer highly optimized site search can be an enormous competitive advantage for eCommerce brands. 

Onsite search is a crucial element for creating an omnichannel commerce experience that sells. If eCommerce brands can optimize their site search feature for their audience, they can provide a much better customer experience and expect greater business results.

If you’re interested in other ways to enhance your digital experiences on your ecommerce site, feel free to visit to

Richard is heading the marketing at Styla. He has extensive experience in eCommerce/all things digital for 20 years. His mission is to never stop learning.

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