Findologic joins forces with Nosto

Findologic joins forces with Nosto

It’s finally official! We’ve joined forces with Nosto, the world’s leading Commerce Experience Platform (CXP).

When we first started talking about the idea of uniting with Nosto, I was surprised to discover how closely our visions for the future aligned. In fact, our internal strategy slides were almost identical, while the features were complimentary.

This presented a once in a lifetime opportunity for us because the unique strengths of each company complement each other extremely well. 

Findologic always pioneered when it came to onsite search, recently shown with our achievements around our AI Linguistic Shopping Assistant, not just focusing on the most relevant results, but also understanding the user’s intent and providing new ways of interaction with webshops.

Our product discovery story continues

This merger is the perfect fit. Why? Because we share the same mission as Nosto and want to ensure every online shopping experience is relevant, personalized, and dynamic. I’m thrilled we’re joining forces with Nosto and, together, shaping the future of online commerce experiences.  

What does this mean for you, our customers?

Firstly, nothing will change in the immediate. It’s business as usual.

You can continue to use the Findologic platform as you have done so and will continue to have a relationship with your current contact at Findologic. Your agreement will remain as is and you’ll continue to get the same commitment and value from Findologic post-acquisition. Over time, we will offer you the capability of using Nosto’s full CXP and its comprehensive personalization capabilities.

We are excited about the new opportunities this deal brings for Findologic customers. Being offered access to Nosto’s CXP will open up exciting avenues for you to benefit from a wide range of solutions that can help you achieve full-funnel personalization and deliver 1:1 commerce experiences for every shopper across every device. 

What does this mean for us, Findologic?

It means our entire staff is now part of the Nosto family and can even develop more and better solutions for you. Our HQ in Salzburg, Austria, will remain and serve as an R&D hub with product engineers and commercial teams, together serving the DACH market moving forward. Nosto supports its global customers from New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Sydney, Kaunas, and Helsinki. We’re thrilled to be adding Salzburg and Munich to that list. 

Thank you!

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for trusting Findologic over the last 14 years. The entire team–from customer service managers, engineers, marketing, sales, product owners, and leadership–are all committed to making online commerce experiences ever more intuitive for the individual shopper. This commitment is only strengthened as we continue our journey with Nosto.

Marcel Krabath

Matthias Heimbeck has been developing modern software solutions for online shops since 2008 and is Founder and CEO of Findologic, one of the world’s leading providers today. Just as a helpful sales assistant completes the shopping experience for the in-store customer – so the digital shopping assistant supports and serves the online shopper. This is exactly where our unique approach helps ecommerce businesses. We keep our finger on the pulse with our technology partners, agencies, shop systems and customers - with unparalleled results. 

Manual merchandising – why it’s costing you and what to do about it

Manual merchandising – why it’s costing you and what to do about it

Will Jacobs

Manual merchandising – why it’s costing you and what to do about it

Manual merchandising – why it’s costing you and what to do about it.

For many online retailers, manual merchandising is holding them back. Businesses struggle to sell particular products at a given point in time, web systems are inflexible, or their merchandising strategies are misinformed, all of which lead to missed opportunities. 

However, by automating key merchandising tasks, your team can improve product visibility and support the overall business strategy. 

In this blog we talk all about manual merchandising – why it’s creating problems for your business, and how you can support kickass automated merchandising.

What is manual merchandising?

Before we talk about the problems of manual merchandising and how to fix them, let’s first discuss what we mean by manual merchandising.

When we refer to manual merchandising, we mean the carrying out of merchandising tasks without automation. 

To give some examples, this might include:

  • Implementing campaigns on your site manually
  • Manually pushing new stock when it becomes available
  • Manually ordering your products
  • Gathering analytics on your own which are often an incomplete picture

This can be frustrating for ecommerce and development teams for a variety of reasons. It’s slow, poorly optimised, and comes at a cost – to both your time and money. It also gives you a poor picture of performance and impacts conversion rate. 


What are the challenges of manual merchandising?

There are three key challenges when it comes to manual merchandising.

The first challenge is that many companies struggle to sell certain products and reach their targets. This creates a problem for retailers for instance, because you might have issues managing stock left over from excess promotions. When manually merchandising, you might also find it difficult to push new stock on your website when it becomes available. All of this leads to a loss of revenue.

The second challenge is that your technology platform is set up in a way that is disadvantageous to your merchandising opportunities. Conversion of key products is missed out on as a result. Additionally, you’re spending a lot of time executing tasks that would be better executed with an automation platform anyway.

The third challenge is understanding how to create amazing merchandising strategies for your products that will increase sales. Without the right tool, you won’t be able to drill down and understand how to interpret your ecommerce data. This data might include your best sellers, your new stock, or inventory management.


What can merchants do to solve the issue?

There are multiple ways merchants can overcome the issues of manual merchandising. 

Invest in a merchandising platform

Leveraging automation is the first port of call. 

Today’s technology platforms such as Findologic are equipped with merchandising tools that automate manual tasks and allow you to easily identify products that will increase sales on site. 

Web audit

Merchants can also find support across their whole Product Discovery experience, through a full inspection of the website from an outside perspective.

Outside help

You could also work with an external team, allowing you to better understand how best to utilise products in your portfolio that’ll allow you to increase sales and margins on your site. 

Findologic can support retailers in the merchandising of their products on their website, through Findologic’s backend merchandising features and our Business Reviews. 

Our experts can identify gaps in merchant’s strategies for merchandising their products, and suggest simple fixes that will improve conversion rates. 

Why is it important to automate merchandising?

Automating merchandising gives you the opportunity to merchandise your product discovery engine in any way that you please. A flexible backend allows you to create merchandising that best suits your business. 

Working with Findologic can allow you to understand if you’re losing valuable time and money, and having this outside perspective to leverage is important in the optimisation of the whole on site UX.

What features should you look for?

The best merchandising solutions give you full control over your merchandising, and a comprehensive set of features that drive insights, link trends, and deliver results inline with your unique business requirements – all controlled from your backend. 



Promotions allow you to implement temporary campaigns across your website, on desktop and mobile to support promotions. Offers and promotions give increased exposure to products that are relevant to your customer. 

You can also place banners for relevant search terms in the autocomplete or other pages throughout navigation and benefit from full exposure throughout the customer journey. Promotions benefit retailers by making your shoppers aware of the right promotions at the right time in order to support business goals.


Search concepts

Predefined rules and search logics allow you to produce optimal results that convert, regardless of how broad the query was or how comprehensive of a product range you have. 

With merchandising tools, you’re able to make sense of your search queries and product feeds so you can get your shopper from A to B effectively.

You’re also able to enhance the search experience by giving your shoppers real-time, relevant results.

Product Placements

Automated merchandising allows you to benefit from product placements allow you to link specific products to key search queries. You’re able to guarantee prime position to key products if a shopper submits a related query. 

This helps you to get your shoppers to the products they want without frustration, with effective product discoverability. 

Product Bury-and-Boost

With searchandising, you can take control of your results listings and augment product hierarchies to present shoppers with valuable recommendations, or prioritise product groups in line with your business goals.

This allows you to easily fine-tune and visualize results pages to support strategic goals.

Your shopper also gets greater visibility of groups that appeal to the retailer. More info on this in our other blog post on searchandising!

Landing Pages

Search is at the epicenter for discovery. Incorporate a variety of content into your search function. Our algorithm doesn’t just search product listings, also content that isn’t included in your product feed, for example return policies.

This boosts visibility across all your content, and also makes it easier for your shoppers to discover it, reducing touchpoints thanks to direct navigation.



Automated merchandising also supports campaigns by giving you a holistic view of all their activities, allowing for simple and effective planning, implementation, and monitoring throughout the campaign’s lifecycle.

This allows you to easily fine-tune and visualies results pages to support strategy-wide goals. Your shoppers get greater visibility of specific product groups that are both relevant and that benefit your strategy. 


KPI tracking made simple

Measure success and derive insights via 360 degree analytics. With our Google Analytics integration, you can keep track of performance and make informed decisions based on a comprehensive set of data


Final thoughts

Merchandising doesn’t have to be a long and arduous process. Thanks to today’s ecommerce technology, retailers can leverage the power of automation to get all the benefits of advanced merchandising.

To learn more about merchandising with Findologic, get in touch today!

Harness the power of merchandising to increase product visibility and support business strategy.

Optimise your results pages. Control the hierarchy of particular products via our user-friendly backend in line with your business goals.

New feature: Search Insights

New feature: Search Insights

Marcel Krabath

New feature: Search Insights

When you click on the service, scripts are loaded on your device, personal data is recorded and cookies are stored. The transmission takes place: as joint controllers for Google Ireland Limited. Purpose of processing: Delivery of content provided by third parties, Selection of online advertising on other platforms, which are automatically selected using real-time bidding based on user behavior and transmission and display of video content. Privacy Policy

Learn more about our latest feature „Search Insights“: 

Search Insights helps our customers to debug search results and product listings on category pages on thier own. This helps them to understand the technology better and saves them a lot of time. Now Findologic customers are able to see in detail why certain products are found and shown based on specific search terms or categories. (so it works for product listings in search and navigation). They can add different parameters like user groups or sort parameters to the search request to see specific search results based on those parameters. All available data that is being exported for a certain product is shown in the Search Insghts interface – this helps our customers/agencies to optimize the whole user experience by optimizing their data based on this data analysis.

Hint from our Findologic experts: Shop Owners should – as always – focus on the Top Search Queries when doing their analysis proactively

Marcel Krabath

Marcel Krabath

Marcel is Operations Manager at FINDOLOGIC. He ensures that international processes run smoothly and are continuously developed. Sitting at the centre of the company, he coordinates daily processes between the Marketing, Sales & Office Management and guarantees the success of partnerships with technology partners and ecommerce agencies. Working towards the continuous improvement of business operations, Marcel also ensures the efficient and smooth running of the business in line with business goals.

Findologic Secures Further Capital for Growth

Findologic Secures Further Capital for Growth

Marcel Krabath

Findologic Secures Further Capital for Growth


Findologic Secures Further Capital for Growth 

Salzburg, October 2021 Leading ecommerce product discovery platform, Findologic has received additional funding.

The investment, backed by TAUROS Capital Management GmbH, will allow the Salzburg-based tech provider to accelerate its growth as they continue to expand in their three locations - Salzburg, Munich and London. 

"It is the optimal time for the financing. The entire ecommerce sector is currently experiencing a significant upswing. The more business is done digitally, the more important the user experience for online stores becomes. This requires an intelligent search solution that recognises user intent and streamlines the path to relevant results," explains Matthias Heimbeck, CEO and founder of Findologic.

"With the growth capital from TAUROS, we will continue to expand in both the European and international market and ensure a new industry standard for online shopping experiences."

Christof Neuner of TAUROS Capital Management GmbH added: "The idea behind Findologic has great potential. A positive digital user experience is essential for business success in the ecommerce market. We have confidence in the Salzburg-based company, because of, among other things, its strong position in the DACH region and its technological advancements - especially in the area of artificial intelligence. This will result in remarkable growth opportunities in the coming years."

Findologic's goals are ambitious: In the medium term, additional markets in Europe are to be developed. In the long term, the company’s mission is to surpass other providers with its superior tech stack and become the global leader in product discovery.

About Findologic

Product discovery is at the epicentre of any user’s path to purchase - Findologic has over 13 years of experience in this and has optimised 1,000+ online stores via a simple integration. Bridging the gap between in-store and online retail experience is a requirement for any online retailer - Findologic’s comprehensive suite of features with AI at its core supercharges customer journeys, optimising every element of a browser’s pathway to conversion for efficiency and intuitiveness.

About TAUROS Capital

TAUROS Capital Management GmbH is Austria's pioneer in the field of revenue-based financing. The Viennese investment company provides subordinated capital to companies with high growth potential. TAUROS Capital Management GmbH neither takes over shares in the company nor a shareholder position, but participates in the company's turnover for a fixed period of time at an agreed percentage. The usual financing period is 5 to 7 years.

Marcel Krabath

Marcel Krabath

As Operations Manager at FINDOLOGIC, Marcel ensures that processes run smoothly and are continuously developed. Sitting at the centre of the company, he coordinates daily processes between the Marketing, Sales & Office Management and guarantees the success of partnerships with technology partners and ecommerce agencies. Woking towards the continuous improvement of business operations, Marcel ensures the efficient and smooth running of the business in line with business goals.

Findologic startet Partnerschaft mit kuehlhaus AG

Findologic startet Partnerschaft mit kuehlhaus AG

Marcel Krabath

Findologic startet Partnerschaft mit kuehlhaus AG

Salzburg, 01. April 2021 – Neue Partnerschaft zwischen Findologic und kuehlhaus AG: Mit der Digitalagentur kuehlhaus AG aus Mannheim startet der Anbieter für intelligente Online- Shop Suchlösungen eine weitere starke Partnerschaft. Durch die Zusammenarbeit möchte man gemeinsamen Kunden einen noch besseren Service bieten und sie gleichzeitig mit den besten Lösungen für den Online-Shop ausstatten. Frank Hohmeyer, in der Rolle Partner bei kuehlhaus AG verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im E-Commerce. Zum Start der Partnerschaft stand er für ein kurzes Interview zur Verfügung, in welchem er die Agentur vorstellte, Stellung zur Zusammenarbeit nahm und näher auf die aktuelle Situation eingeht.

Wer ist kuehlhaus und welche Lösungen & Services bietet ihr im E-Commerce?

Die kuehlhaus AG gehört zu den Top 70 Digitalagenturen in Deutschland. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1995 haben wir zahlreiche Projekte für nationale und internationale Unternehmen sowie mittelständische Unternehmen in den Bereichen E-Commerce, Unternehmenswebsite und Kommunikation durchgeführt.

Unsere Lösungen für E-Commerce: Shopware, OXID

Unsere Services: Konzeption, Design, technisch Umsetzung und Hosting, Beratung / Kommunikation

Welche Vorteile haben Kunden durch die Partnerschaft und die Zusammenarbeit?

Wir sind ein langjähriger – vertrauensvoller Partner, der alle Herausforderungen im E-Commerce meistert. 

Was unterscheidet euch von anderen Agenturen und was könnt ihr außergewöhnlich gut?

CX – Customer Experience ist in unserer DNA tief verankert – wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die richtige CX ausschlaggebend für den gesamten Unternehmenserfolg unserer Kunden ist. Diese Erfahrung spiegelt sich in allen unseren Projekten wider.

Beschreibe kurz eines der Highlight-Projekte der letzten Jahre

Personalisierte Shopping Experience als Umsatzbooster
Die AfB gGmbH ist Europas größtes gemeinnütziges IT-Unternehmen, das durch Aufarbeitung und Verkauf gebrauchter IT- und Mobilgeräte Arbeitsplätze für Menschen mit Behinderung schafft. AfB reduziert damit Emissionen und schont natürliche Ressourcen. Der Kunde kam auf uns zu, da er auf der Suche nach einer professionellen Agentur war, die sie sowohl technisch als auch in Hinblick auf User Experience ganzheitlich betreuen konnte. Der ursprüngliche Online-Shop von AfB lief auf Shopware, der Kunde war jedoch unzufrieden mit der User Experience und der Customer Journey des Online-Shops. Der Shop verfügte über keine konfigurierbaren Artikel und war außerdem nicht responsive. AfB wünschte sich daher ein komplettes Make-Over des Shops in Hinsicht auf die Verbesserung der Customer Journey und der User Experience, das letztlich in einer personalisierten Shopping-Experience für den Endkunden resultierte.

Einfache Bedienung für Kunden und Redakteure
Die Herausforderung lag bei diesem Projekt sowohl in der technischen Komplexität als auch in den Anforderungen zur Verbesserung der Customer Experience. Die zahlreichen komplexen Produkte des AfB-Shop reichen von Zubehör wie Kopfhörer, Notebooktaschen oder Grafikkarten über klassische Hardware wie Notebooks und Monitore bis zu Nischenprodukten wie Gaming- Hardware. Hier war es dem Kunden vor allem wichtig, den Shop für den Endkunden so übersichtlich und nutzerfreundlich wie möglich zu gestalten. Doch auch für die Redakteure im Backend sollte die Contentpflege deutlich vereinfacht werden.

Marketing Automation und Internationalisierung
Für personalisierte Transaktionsmails wurde die E-Mail Markeing Solution von Inxmail an den Online-Shop angeschlossen. Die wichtigsten Kennzahlen wie z.B. die Conversionrate kann AfB in Echzeit über ein Dashboard verfolgen, welches mit Google Analytics verbunden ist. Zudem haben wir Schnittstellen zu Marktplätzen wie und an Shopware integriert. Ein weiterer Benefit des Make-Overs ist das Erschließen neuer Absatzmärkte, denn der Shop verfügt nun über unterschiedliche Währungs- und Mehrwertsteueroptionen je nach Land des Endkunden.

Was ist dein Rat für alle E-Commerce Unternehmen und für alle E-Commerce Manager?

Eine perfekt durchdachte und optimierte User Experience sowie ein reibungslos funktionierendes Datenmanagement der Produktstammdaten sind essentiell für jeden erfolgreichen Online-Shop und ist die Basis für Personalisierung und Marketing Automation.

Wohin geht die Reise im E-Commerce und welche Entwicklungen im E-Commerce sind momentan besonders spannend?

Fokus auf den Kunden des Kunden legen – mit Relevanz und Nachhaltigkeit. Personalisierung des Contents – also mit AI zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die richtigen Produkte anzeigen und dies über alle Touchpoints hinweg – eine optimale CX erzeugen. 

Wie sieht eure Roadmap für 2021 aus? Auf was können sich eure Kunden und Partner freuen?

Mit den passenden Technologien und geeigneten Systempartnern – gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden – die Märkte zu begeistern, aber immer mit dem Fokus auf die perfekte Customer Experience.



Marcel Krabath

Marcel Krabath

As Operations Manager at FINDOLOGIC, Marcel ensures that processes run smoothly and are continuously developed. Sitting at the centre of the company, he coordinates daily processes between the Marketing, Sales & Office Management and guarantees the success of partnerships with technology partners and ecommerce agencies. Woking towards the continuous improvement of business operations, Marcel ensures the efficient and smooth running of the business in line with business goals.

Findologic joins forces with Nosto 🚀
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